Monday, November 16, 2009

Final countdown

Anderson has a really big milestone coming up this next weekend, but I need to catch up on what we've been doing over the past week or so. We spent most of last week outside to enjoy the last bits of fall. We took walks, played down on Mass street and had many parties on the deck.

He also had his first experience with Sesame Street. The TV is right at Anderson's level and he is really terrible at standing directly in front of it. Normally he's trying to follow where the scrolling news is going at the bottom of the screen. Well, I turned on Sesame Street and told Anderson he could watch it but we'd have to move back. So I sat him down by the couch and he didn't move. He just stared and the TV and was infatuated with Big Bird. It was pretty comical!

This past weekend mom and dad (and Ali and Brett) hosted the 8th annual Turkeyfest. Although Anderson wanted to join in the festivities, he spent the evening over at Gram's house. He always enjoys reading books with Clancy and had a wonderful evening.

Our friends the Maloys and the McElroys were also in town for the weekend. Anderson and Simon had a great time together. They single-handedly destroyed the living room and the kitchen!

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