Monday, July 28, 2008

Lake View Warriors

About a week ago Tim and I headed up to Lake View, IA for their annual Carnival. The Bruner family treks it on up (or down) every summer for a family get together. This year we were few but strong. A pretty good storm dampened the main float parade on the lake, but we enjoyed the Carnival just the same! :)
Here's the family at the Carnival eating "Maid-rites" (for those people not from Iowa, that's a Sloppy-Joe).

And one of Tim, Jane and I at the lake.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Growing Belly

As my waistline continues to expand, so does my love for elastic-waisted pants! We might have to start passing them out at our annual Turkeyfest party!

14 Weeks

17 Weeks

22 Weeks

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The journey has begun

Here is our official start to the Bateman family blog. As we will soon be having a new addition join our family, we wanted to maintain a venue for our friends and families to keep up on our comings and goings (and pics!).

So, to start us off here is the first picture of Mango!

Here's a little background on "Mango". Everything I read references the size of your growing baby to a fruit/veggie. So, as we haven't found out the sex we've been referring to Baby Bateman as its corresponding fruit. We started out as Tadpole (ok, so not a fruit) and have graduated to Peanut, Kumquat, Avacado and now Mango.